Indonesia Tsunami Leaves 222 Dead, 800 Injured

Indonesia, one of the most disaster-prone nations on earth, straddles the so-called Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, where tectonic plates collide and a large portion of the world’s volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur. JAKARTA: A tsunami triggered by an underwater landslide from volcanic eruptions has hit beaches in Indonesia, killing at least 222 people and injuring 800 more. The worst affected area was the Pandeglang region of Banten province in Java.Tourists were also affected during the holiday weekend ahead of Christmas. Indonesian president Joko Widodo said in a statement that he…

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Female Menopause Vs Male Menopause

By: Dr. Nosheen Ali, Bureau Chief-ICN Madhya Pradesh BHOPAL: Menopause is the process through which a woman ceases to be fertile or menstruate. It is a normal part of life and is not considered a disease or a condition. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause may occur as earlier as ages 30s or 40s, or may not occur until a woman reaches her 60s. Stages of Menopause- Pre-menopause stage-The 3-5 year period before menopause when your estrogen and hormone levels begin to drop is called perimenopause. You typically enter into perimenopause in your late…

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ANDAZ-E-BAYAN AUR ( a journal) Reviewed by : Dr Mohammad Aleem, Editor, ICN Group NEW DELHI: It was a pleasant surprise for me when one fine day my friend, Haqqani Al Qasmi, editor, “Andaz-e-Bayan Aur” gave me the second issue of his journal, which is based on the creative works of the policemen who served mostly on a senior level in the government in different capacities .They are mostly IPS rank officers. It startled me a lot that how Haqqani Sahib could think of an offbeat topic for his magazine.…

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Antarctica Ice Shelf Cracks-Warning For The Global Sea-Level Rise?

By: Prof. Jaswant Singh (Member-Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica & Arctic, Director-Institute of Earth Sciences & Executive Editor-ICN Group  Scientists believe that the entire West Antarctica Ice Sheet is likely to collapse within the next 100 years, sending a massive volume of water into the sea. The data collected by the researchers on Climate change and their forecasts based on General circulation model (GCM), Earth’s and ocean water temperature is increasing. This is not only affecting the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem but human life also. Climate change is the challenge of our…

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Excellence With G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 18

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group KOLKATA: In some of the past articles of this series, we saw which two obstacles may hamper your goal setting process i.e. self-limiting beliefs and negative time utilisation habits. In some of the upcoming articles, we will see how you can tap the unlimited power of your sub-conscious mind towards achieving your goals; and after that, we will move to real goal setting process. Power of sub-conscious mind Earl Nightingale has rightly said, “whatever we plant in our sub-conscious mind and nourish…

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Money Series: Part 51

By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: The same idea is also of my one more friend Rajul Sirohi. There was a steady recession in the stock market some time ago, and the people who had benefited with millions of rupees in the stock market, were sinking into debt and newspapers were filled with the news of suicides by people who were often disappointed by life.But Rajul calls that time as the golden episode for buying new shares on much less price, and he made a slight difference in…

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Computers In India Will Now Be Under Government Surveillance

NEW DELHI: India has authorised 10 federal government agencies to intercept and monitor information from any computer, a move opposition parties said on Friday risked creating a “surveillance state”. According to Ministry of Home Affairs, all the computers will now come under the monitoring of a few agencies directed by the ministry in India. However, the notification merely lists powers already available to the authorities in the Information Technology Act, 2000. The order was released by the Home Ministry on Thursday and on Friday opposition parties opposed to the order saying it is unconstitutional and…

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Excellence With G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 17

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group KOLKATA: If you remember, in Part 9 of the series, I have discussed that though various obstacles will come across you on the journey towards goals achievement, which you have to overcome; there are two such obstacles, which may even hamper your goal setting process. In parts 9 to 16, we handled the first such obstacle i.e. ‘self-limiting beliefs’, inculcated over a period of time since childhood. Today, we will talk about another deadly obstacle i.e. ‘negative time-utilisation habits’, which at times…

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Enhance Your Lifestyle With NLP+© Series: Part 5

By: Shantanu Das Sharma, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group Quick recap of what we have covered in Part 4 Flexibility is simply the ability to constantly change our strategy and do whatever it takes to get the results we want. Ways To Achieve Anything You Want    No man will change for the better until he sees the need for it. – Socrates KOLKATA: Now, we got to understand that people who succeed are those who perceive failure as feedback. They subsequently use this feedback to change their strategy and take action…

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Money Series: Part 50

By: Tarun Prakash Srivastava, Sr. Executive Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: Even if everything in your life is positive, this is the time to be careful about the future and this good time should also be used to protect your success so that your future can be more secure. Remember – the person will be as happy and blissful as much he has gained control over his life. The person who is under the control of his uncontrolled circumstances, there will be nothing except sorrow, trouble, depression, frustration, and darkness in his life.…

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