Campaigning Comes To An End In Himachal Pradesh, PPT EVMs To Be Used For The First Time In State

By: Vijay Kumar Verma ( Editor-ICN Group ) SHIMLA: Campaigning for the assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh  came to an end at 5 pm today. Polling will be done on 9th November and accordingly the campaigning was stopped today. Henceforth there won’t be any rallies and road shows which had kept the environment charged all these days. The candidates will however be permitted to undertake door to door campaigning. There are 5025941 voters in the hill states many of whom live in difficult hilly terrains.  The election commission has made elaborate arrangements to facilitate voters…

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Delhi-NCR Smog: Schools Shut, Trains And Flights Delayed As Low Visibility

More than 20 flights were delayed or affected at Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi after low visibility forced closure of a runway. NEW DELHI: The smog is likely to hit railway and air traffic. Although, no delay in the timing of flights was reported by Airlines operating from Delhi International Airport. The visibility came down to 50 metres in Delhi, leading to delay in trains. Reports say at least 12 trains from the national capital were running late due to decreased visibility. Flights from and to Delhi were also facing…

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Britain’s Senior Most Indian Origin Minister Priti Patel Apologises For Not Telling Foreign Office Of Israel Meeting With Netanyahu

Secretary Priti Patel faces calls to quit after 12 meetings with the prime minister and other top figures during a ‘family vacation’ in August come to light. The international development secretary Priti Patel apologised on Tuesday for holding 12 meetings, including one with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, on a private trip. Thersa May’s spokesman highlighted that the country’s army runs a hospital for Syrian refugees, but said the UK currently provides no financial support to Israeli forces and that there would be no change in policy. Prime Minister Theresa May…

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Facilitating Ease Of Doing Business

By: Prof. R K Yadav (Deptt of Genetics and Plant Breeding C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech. Kanpur & Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group), Dr. Ripudaman Singh (Special Correspondent ICN Group) & Hemant Kumar ( Agriculture Correspondent ICN Group) KANPUR: India recently jumped 30 places in the World Bank’s Doing Business report and now holds the 100th  rank , Which highlights the Government’s effort to make the country ‘entrepreneur friendly’. We are working towards easing the process of doing business for Global and Domestic industry players as well as brining in new talent to…

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Solan: The Education Hub Of Himachal Pradesh

By: Vijay Kumar Verma ( Editor-ICN Group)  SHIMLA: With as many as 10 universities out of a total 17 private universities in the entire state, Solan district of Himachal Pradesh has the dubious distinction of being the largest educational hub offering vocational degrees, not only in the state but also in the entire country. What to talk of the district, the Solan town itself has four universities in a close proximity of few kilometers. In addition, Himachal Pradesh has 4 State Universities, 1 Central University and 1 Indian Institution of Technology…

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Cyber Attack Needs Stringent Cyber Security

By: Pragya Singh( Asstt. Editor-ICN Group ) NOIDA :India is heading very fast towards the digital payment after demonetization therefore, cyber security is very important for protecting the interest of the consumers and success of digital payment and Digital India program. If consumers account and data would be continuously under the threat of hackers then mobile governance and digital payment shall not be a successful program for the people. As per information available from the expert’s electronic devices such as computers, laptops and cell phones are not 100 percent safe and…

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The Mentor Of Great Mathematician Srinivsa Ramanujan: Prof. G.H. Hardy

By: Er. P.R. Khan ( Sub Editor-ICN Group)  Godfrey Harold “G. H.” Hardy  (7 February 1877 – 1 December 1947) was an English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis. Hardy is remembered also for his 1940 essay on the aesthetics of mathematics, A Mathematician’s Apology, and for mentoring the brilliant Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Hardy himself was a prodigy from a young age, and stories are told about how he would write numbers up to millions at just two years of age. G. H. Hardy is usually known by…

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Civet Coffee: India Starts Producing World’s Most Expensive Coffee

By: Dr. Ripudaman Singh (Special Correspondent ICN Group) & Hemant Kumar ( Agriculture Correspondent ICN Group) Civet coffee, a drink of the elite consumed widely in the Gulf nations and Europe, sell for Rs 20,000-25000/kg abroad. NEW DELHI: India, Asia’s third largest producer and exporter of coffee, has started producing the world’s most-expensive coffee. It is being made on a small scale in Karnataka’s Coorg district, from the poop of civet cat. The civet coffee, also known as luwark coffee is expensive because of the uncommon method of producing it. It…

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Don’t Fool Yourself

By: Prof. Satyendra Kumar Singh ( Associate Editor-ICN Group )   Hey dude! Good morning. Before you have breakfast today, just list out your schedule for the day. How much time are you going to give to television? What about your free time, how are you going to utilize that? Hey! Don’t panic. Just give it a thought and proceed to your breakfast. It is better to have it hot and fumy. Hope, you are done! Now, let us ponder again. Once you have the list of the tasks for the…

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ICN Group Organizes Seminar On New Media At Lucknow

By: Eram Fatima ( Correspondent-ICN Group ) Experts Highlight the Growing Importance of Social Media in Dissemination of Information.The theme was the growing importance of social media in dissemination of information. LUCKNOW: ICN group has always tried to publish the best articles on the theme of social, political, economic, literary and scientific issues. This is the reason that a large group of readers has now been associated with it. Today, ICN Group organized a half daylong seminar in Lucknow. The theme was the growing importance of social media in dissemination…

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