Homoeopthic Remedies To Treat Acne

By: Dr. Lata Verma (Sub-Editor ICN Group) LUCKNOW: Homeopathy offers very safe and natural treatment for acne. Homeopathic medicines for acne work internally, in a very gentle and effective way, without any harsh external applications. Rather than suppress acne, Homeopathic medicines treat the condition at the root. These medicines, which are safe from any adverse side effects, are prescribed after a thorough in-depth analysis of symptoms. Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Kali bromatum, Antimonium crudum, Asterias Rubens, Belladonna, Hepar Sulphur, Calcarea Silicata, Nux vomica, Arsenicum iodatum, Causticum, Chelidonium majus, Graphites, Psorinum, Sabina, Calcarea phosphoricum, Thuja…

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WORLD HEART DAY 2017: “With A Healthy Heart The Beat Goes On”

By: Dr. Shazia Israr (Associate Editor-ICN Group) The theme for this year’s World Heart Day on September 29th is ‘Share the power’.   World Heart Day is a campaign established to spread awareness about the health of heart among common people all through the world. This initiative was founded in the year 2000 to inform people to take care of their heart. It is celebrated annually all over the world on 29th of September. A huge percentage of common public in the society is suffering from the heart diseases like stroke, heart attack, heart…

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By: Dr. Sankalp Chawla (Special Correspondent-ICN Group) LUCKNOW: With the increase in the sedentary and unhealthful lifestyle, a large number of populations are already in the plunge of obesity. Often overlooked assuming it to be harmless , it can lead to a mammoth of lifestyle disorders like Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,  Osteoarthritis etc. The ones who are actually aware of the ill-effects of the obesity try hard to shed those extra pounds from the body through various diet patterns and workout regimes. In fact, articles relating HOW TO LOSE…

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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Rejects To Anti-Trump Tweet

In a Facebook post on Wednesday Zuckerberg said both Trump and liberals were upset about ideas and content on Facebook during the campaign. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg fired back at US President Donald Trump on Wednesday after he accused the leading social network of being “always anti-Trump.” Zuckerberg rejected the notion, countering that Facebook is working to ensure “free and fair elections” with an online platform that does not favor one side over another. Facebook last week said that Russia-linked ads on the social network aimed at inflaming tensions around last year’s US presidential…

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Jamia Millia Islamia: An Epitome Of Excellence In Sports

By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem (Chief News Editor- ICN Group) NEW DELHI: Credibility and strength of any institution and university is often judged by its academic strength and excellence, both at faculty and student level. So far, Jamia Millia Islamia as one of the most popular and foremost central university of India in its 95 years of existence has produced many writers, poets, scientists, filmmakers, painters and artists of national and international repute. But other activities also count very important like sports. Some much recognizable faces are Shahrukh Khan, Kabir Khan…

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Finance Minister Arun Jaitley To Hold Key Meet On GST Today

The government is under attack from the opposition, particularly the Congress, on the way it has implemented GST. NEW DELHI: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday will meet industry representatives along with exporters for discussing various issues faced by them related to Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST has been launched since July 01, 2017, and India Inc was given a time period till August 15, 2017 to register under the regime. According to sources, industry representatives would raise issues such as input tax credit and also timely refund of…

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By:Prof. Nand Lal (Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, Former Pro-Vice Chancellor C.S.J.M.Kanpur University & Editorial Group Advisor-Science & Tech, ICN Group) Chewing gum is easily one of the most toxic products available, and it is difficult to ever know exactly what it contains due to vague terms such as “gum base” and “artificial flavours”. KANPUR: People do not typically ingest Chewing Gum and pay very little attention to its ingredients assuming that if the gum is not swallowed, then the ingredients should not be a concern. However, the ingredients in gum travel into the blood stream faster and in…

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By: Prof. R. K. Yadav (Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding C.S.Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech.,Kanpur/ Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group) Sirohi is a small village having a biggest Gaushala in the country and have 1.25 lakh cows with a maintenance cost of Rs. 30 crore. KANPUR: In the last five years 4% of cattle (gauvansh) decreases in the country. The Chief Minister also raised the questions about why older dairies were being closed while newer ones were being opened in the state. In the first phase, a Gaushala each would open in…

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Homeopathic Medicines For Acne/Pimples

By: Dr. Lata Verma (Sub-Editor ICN Group) LUCKNOW: Acne or pimples is a common skin condition frequently seen in young individuals during teenage and youth years. This occurs mainly due to the action of hormones on the oil glands in the skin. The draining ducts of the oil glands get blocked and hence they are not able to drain the oil secretion. The oil and cells inside the blocked gland form a perfect environment for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the organism responsible for acne). Thus, it results in the formation…

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By: Dr.Mohammad Aleem (Chief News Editor-ICN Group)  NEW DELHI: Benjamin was at heart a good writer, so he was a good observer of human feelings and sentiments also. He writes in the same chapter of the book while observing his men on the battlefield in these words: “This gave me occasion to observe, that, when men are employed, they are best contentented; for on the days they worked they were good-natured and cheerful, and, with the consciousness of having done a good day’s work, they spent the evening jollily; but…

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