A Tribute to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s 263rd Birth Anniversary on World Homeopathy Day 10 April 2018

By: Dr. Anurudh Verma & Dr. M K Sahani

Let us come forward to resolve to celebrate Dr. Hahnemann’s birth Anniversary as World Homoeopathy Day and spread the natural principle of Homoeopathy to make the dream realized for disease free universe.

LUCKNOW/PATNA: A wonderful “World Homeopathy Day” on 10th April 2018 on account of the founder and father of Homeopathy Dr. Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann’s 263rd birthday (born 1755, Germany). Every year 10th April is celebrated all over the world as ‘World Homeopathy Day as a tribute to Hahnemann. Medical doctors and patients of all over world are joining together on 10th April for celebrations. The week following the birth date of Hahnemann i.e. 10th April is celebrated as World Homeopathy Awareness Week .

A two-day scientific convention is being organised in New Delhi by Ministry of AYUSH on the occasion of World Homoeopathy Day, on 10-11th April 2018. The Vice President Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu will be the chief guest at the function while Minister of State (I/C) for AYUSH Shri Shripad Yesso Naik will preside.The theme of this convention is “Innovate: Evolve; Progress: Exploring Science since 40 years”. 

Ever since the origination of life on this planets it suffered with the disease and mankind got engaged in search of remedies to get rid from them. Every corner of the continents has their own way with own principles for treating the disease which gave rise to the different systems of medicine. Some most confirmed system of medicine vanished in absece of social recognition and many systems became popular due to their specific benefits and got accepted by in different  part of the universe. In this context Homoeopathy occupied the position of being the second most popular systems of medicine in the whole of the world. Homoeopathy which was established more than 227 years ago is now moving ahead to occupy the status of alternative for the public health care system.

Homoeopathy was discovered as a system of medicine based on the law of Simila Similibus Curenter by Dr. Samuel Christine Fredrick Hahnemann of Germany in the year 1790. Dr. Hahnemann was one of the most popular Allopathic Doctor of his time who with his vast experience found several draw back in the existing system and tried to bring reform in the way medicine has to be practiced in most rational way. With his vast experience and knowledge acquired during practice as well as learning from medical books and research conducted he came out with new principle of Homoeopathy. Principle of Simila, Similibus, Curenter which is based on nature’s law is considered as the most natural and advanced medical principle which has no other alternative. It us well accepted  today that Homoeopathy is now popular in more than 90 countries of the world specially in America, Venezuela, Argentina, Germany, Ukraine , Canada , United Kingdom, Russia France and many others which speaks about the major role played by it in fulfillment of World Health Mission.

It is worth mentioning here that at present Homoeopathy has been included in the National Health program of India, Sri Lanka, Britain, Pakistan and other countries. As per one of the statics it is estimated that about 14 percent of the world population are taking help of Homoeopathic medicines for treatment of their diseases. Popularity of Homoeopathy in the world can be estimated from the facts that at present Homoeopathic Medicines occupies share of more than 135 billion rupees in the world with growth rate of 25 percent per annum. Whereas Pharmaceutical industries have growth rate of about 13 to 15 percent Homoeopathy growth rate is more than 25 to 30 percent. As per estimate of Market Research group Mintel in the year 2012 Homoeopathy had market share of around 46 million pound. World Health Organization state that during the last 40 years all Research which were conducted has finding that Homoeopathy is equivalent to all others recognized systems of medicine and in some cases it is even more effective.

We can also rates popularity of Homoeopathy from the fact  that ever since the birth some 200 years ago it has crossed across the different part of the world beyond and irrespective of the depths of sea. It is now accepted as the alternative system of medicine. It is the due to the realities of being scientific system simplicity of medicine based on scientific experimentation conducted and verified universally.

No other systems of medicine are so specifically defined principle as that of Homoeopathy. It is based on definite principle where every steps of its practice has been well planned. Homoeopathic principles comprises with the basic understanding of Human life which includes studies on psychological, spiritual and physical set. Medicines are selected on the basis of symptoms similarity so that complete portrait of life has the similar representation in the portrait of medicine. These enable to select a medicine which will take care for the complete well being of life. Homoeopathic treatment does not require any specific investigation beyond natural study of symptoms as such it is cost effective and within the reach of even the poorest of the society. Whereas the entire medical system if allopathy is becoming more and more costly due to advanced laboratory investigation and becoming beyond the reach of common man Homoeopathy has maintained it’s image of being the cheapest medicines. It is only Homoeopathy which can be regarded as the common man’s system of medicine.

Today India is regarded as the capital of Homoeopathy where about 3 lacs registered  practitioners Homoeopath are involved in Homoeopathic practice.There are about 10000 government Homoeopathic dispensaries, more than 250 Homoeopathic clinics around  200 Homoeopathic Medical Collage and about 600 Homoeopathic medicines manufacturer in the country. About 13000 students are admitted every year in these Homoeopathic colleges. Standard of Homoeopathic education is maintained with uniform minimum standard requirements regulations and uniform curriculum. Practices of Homoeopathy has to follow the minimum code of conduct regulations. All these regulations are followed by the college, practitioners by the Central Council of Homoeopathy. To make new advancement and researches in Homoeopathy Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy has been established.

India’s is today placed as number one in popularity of Homoeopathy as such it has leading role to play and responsibilities lies on it to provide directions to the rest of the world. Now the time has come to bring awareness about the most effective and popular system of Homoeopathy all around the globe. We have to spread the message of Dr. Hahnemann’s Homoeopathy throughout the world about its efficacy. We should not hesitate to say that without Homoeopathy medical system can not be said to be complete.

Homoeopathy has played it’s major role to arrive at the target of disease free society but still there are vast scope to include it and made part of the medical system specially in the developing countries where average population are below the poverty level. Growing awareness about Homoeopathy now require to generate awareness among all as Dr. Hahnemann’s principle is the only system which has no alternative.

In the present scenario every where many types of world day’s are celebrated to bring awareness about the inspiring achievement of national and international leveles to bring consciousness about the principle and practice. World Health day, world tobacco eradication day, worlds aids day world Pollution day world women day are among such days fixed to bring the awareness. These days are celebrated with an intentions to discuss highlight and sensitize common mass.

For bringing awareness about Homoeopathy it is necessary to devote one day to the Founder of Homoeopathy. 10th April being the birthday of Master Hahnemann is the best contribution to dedicate this day and celebrate it as World’s Homoeopathy Day throughout the world. Celebration of 10th April as World’s Homoeopathy Day is more conceivable as well as the need of the time.

World Homoeopathy Day is required to be celebrated by organising in ceremonial way as Seminar workshop, free medical camps, Road march every where in the respective area of practicing Homoeopathy. In these ceremony Homoeopathy principles it’s uses and benefits should be highlighted by displaying placards banners and road march. All Homoeopath should contribute to take up the responsibility of creating awareness about its usefulness. We should make attempts to approach World Health Organization, Government of India, State Governments and all such organization, association working for Health and Homoeopathy to include Homoeopathy in their agenda and program to celebrate World Homoeopathy Day. 

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